1. Doesn’t God expect Christian children to attend public school where He wants them to witness to unsaved classmates?
Our ultimate goal for our children must be for each one to view all of life including all learning and decision making from the perspective of God’s Word rather than a man-centered perspective taught in secular schools.
A frequently used analogy is the comparison of training troops for war, an apt one in light of the Apostle Paul’s admonition to prepare ourselves for battle. What if the United States would gather its best eighteen-year-olds together and send them to Russia to be trained for four years in the very best military schools in that nation? Could we then confidently commission them four years later to be U. S. Marines, soldiers who are ready to fight and die in accordance with their training? Such a plan is ludicrous! Aren’t Christian parents approaching the education of their children in this way, however, when they send God’s soldiers for the 21st century to be taught in schools that have removed His Word and His standards?
If you purchased a new computer and loaded only Excel and itunes, would you be surprised when you could not use it for word processing? Why would an adult who has been saved for a number of years and who believes he is called to the mission field take precious time to go to seminary rather than charging out into the field? What are they waiting for? Why delay? Of course the answer is obvious—the future missionary needs training. But I have an idea, let’s take our five-year-olds and march them into alien territory!