#6 If public school was good enough for past generations, why is it not acceptable today?
This is perhaps at the core of most people’s objections and easily the most volatile. Many parents and church leaders today look back to their high-school days with rich nostalgia and wonder why anyone would call into question the school systems which helped produce so many fond memories. At this time of year when I hear a drum line and a cheering crowd .... By the way, as I travel to different areas around the country, the presence of fond memories is not always the case. I attended a public elementary, middle school, and high school in Cherokee County, Georgia. Our head custodian in elementary school was a bi-vocational pastor who preached to us and shared the gospel on every occasion. Every Christmas, a teacher would read to the entire student body about the birth of Christ from one of the Gospels over the school public-address system. The janitor is no longer there, and that’s not the only thing that has changed! The Bible is out. My strong urging to every adult who has been gone longer than five years is to go back and investigate for himself/herself. If you find your local schools to be a positive environment for a growing Christian teenager, then express thanks to the Lord and encourage them to continue. However, such is not the case for the vast majority of the secular schools of which I am aware.